Monday, October 25, 2010

Taking advantage of Government Funding

I have a gripe with EBT cards. They are there to help those who genuniely need help living with everyday expenses. They were designed to help people pay their bills, get food on their tables, and overall survive until they can get back on their feet again. My experiences with people who are on governtment funding is, slightly cinical. I've seen too much abuse with the EBT cards, that I can no longer see why they are in our society to begin with.

Working at a grocery store, a larger number of my customers are supported by government funding, and I see my hard earned tax dollars put to use. Not good use, just use. Don't get me wrong, there are individuals out there who need help, who have worked all their lives to buy a house and support a family, raise their kids right and send them off to college. But those individuals are few and far between, and I'm getting irritated seeing the abuse of government funding on a day to day basis.

I've also seen people lose their jobs, houses and families because the economy is so messed up. Just recently one of my customers lost his job, his wife filed for divorce, and his daughter "disowned" him, who got on foodstamps. He is completely devistated. He told me that America was founded for the opportunity of a better life, to give the ones you love the life you couldn't have, and that he felt as if his country had failed him. These are they people who should be helped. The ones who just need a helping hand until they can thrive again on their own.

There are too many people have come through my line buying food that I can't even afford! They buy filet mignion, organic foods, fresh crab, lobster tails, and high end alcohol, using EBT cards. Sure, they might be having a party. Yes it is possible that it is a special night (anniversery, birthday, etc.), and they are splurgging. It's when I see them, week after week, buying the same foods that make me realize, no, they are not just surviving until they get their feet back on the ground, they are living, even partying their lives away with my tax dollars. Some haven't had a job in years and have no intention of getting one for as long as they can. They have amazing mannicures, and real, not a knock-off, but genuine COACH or PRADA bags, designer shoes, sunglasses, the works. It angers me, and for some reason I can't justify why I shouldn't be angry.

I work my you-know-what off. My days off, I either work my other job (selling concert merchendise, a 10-12 hour shift), or am in class. I only get a day to myself when I request it off, which is few and far between because who's going to pay my bills if I miss a day of work? For the first time in 3 years I went home sick and cried because I was throwing away a couple hundred dollars, for what? I felt sick? I was ashamed of myself.

My dad raised me well. He doesn't believe in hand-outs. He works hard for his money, and the life he created for me and my brother. I inherited those same ideals. I am strong. I work hard. I don't back down. I don't let people tell me what to do. I am who I am and if you don't like it, tough. To see people take advantage of a program created to "float" them until they find a job and contribute to society again, irks me to my core.

I'm not one to judge people. I hate judging others because I've been judged my whole life and know what it feels to be looked at as if you were under a microscope. But when I see you 3-5 times a week, I get to know you, build a relationship with you and figure out what type of person you are, then I have every right to judge. I've given you pleanty of chances to prove yourself you've flushed it down the drain. Sorry, but I have pride, I fend for myself, and I strongly believe in helping only those who are willing to help themselves.

Just a rant to get something that's bothered me for sometime now off my chest.

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