Friday, October 8, 2010

Here I am

So, I have no idea what to write about. I actually didn't want a blog in the first place. I thought I might lose a piece of my identity if I had one. Fortunately, someone nudged me in to the direction of blogging.

I was in my professor's office getting advice for a paper we have to write. I told him I have an issue with what to write. See, the paper is only supposed to be 4-6 pages long. The problem is, I feel that 4-6 pages isn't enough. I have so much information in my mind, that I feel mentally constipated. I want to write everything, but alas, I am restricted. He told me to just write. Write it all down, then later edit it to fit the page restriction.

But I always feel that way. I feel as if I have so much to say but no real way to get it out. I've filled journal after journal about nothing. I used to write all the time, every spare chance that I got, and now I don't write at all. My boyfriend keeps telling me to start writing again because it makes me happy and allows me to get whatever I'm feeling out. I honestly don't know why I stopped to begin with, but I did, and I regret all the time I let slip through my fingers by not writing. Even now, while writing this post, I'm feeling better already. I'm getting that slight anxious/excited feeling I used to get when writing.

Anyways, after talking with my professor for a bit, I guess he realized how much I loved writing and said, "If you consider yourself a writer, and you don't have a blog, that's your first mistake. Get one." So, here I am. I consider myself a writer, though I don't know if I necessarily write well, and I've made too many mistakes in my young life to miss out on anything else. Thank you Andy. I appreciate the advice, and feel as if my winds are a changin'.

Hopefully something good will come out of this blog. If not, then that's okay too. I'll just develop my writing skills, and continue my love affair with storytelling.

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