Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I have a 2 hour break between classes, and for the most part, use the time to catch up on my homework, or grab a bite to eat. Today I did both. Since my campus is so big, I also try to keep moving to get some exercise throughout the day (ain't I smart!). Being fall and all, there are a lot of squirrels out and about.

The squirrels on campus don't run away from you when you get close. As long as you walk slowly, cautiously, towards them, they will stay put and stare you down. That's exactly what I did today -- about seven times. Observing the squirrels, I noticed things about them I never cared to see before.

They hop! Like little bunny rabbits. Their fur is multi-colored, and soft as well (I luckily got close enough to touch one). But their face and paws are just like rats. Then I started thinking how a squirrel even came about. Did a rat and a rabbit fall in-love, have a litter, and boom! Squirrels? Is that weird? Seriously, go stare at a squirrel some time. Watch them move, hop, and dig in the grass looking for food. Be careful though, they like to stare you down, it's amazing the intensity they hold in their beady little eyes....

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