Thursday, June 7, 2012

Look who's back...!


Okay, so here I am again! I can finally write now because I am (mostly) graduated! YAY! I said mostly because there was a miscalculation in my credits. Turns out I was four units short so I have to take two online summer classes. I walked in graduation but the excitement was feigned, for I knew I would be back, and behold! Oh well, what's another six weeks when I've waited five years?

Let's see... I've been looking for a new job with my new found education. Nothing bad about Safeway, I just want to start a family and have a consistent paycheck every week. I don't think I would be able to start a family, buy a house, or pay off my bill while standing on my feet working between twenty-four and thirty-eight hours a week. Plus, not seeing my family on the weekend is no bueno. My dad only lives an hour away and I see him every couple of months due to my work schedule. Hence the whole "real" job searching.

I went to New York in December, and studied abroad in China last summer. Both of those will be entirely new blog posts, so excuse my blurr on them. They were amazing, and in both places, the vendors on the street corners had the best food ever!

Hum... work and school. School and work. Oh! I presented a paper at a conference this past April. That was fun. I plan on continuing my education in graduate school, but I want to take a year, maybe two, off to pay off some bills, find that "real" job, and figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life. I don't want to live to work, I want to work to live.

Until next time....

Over and out.

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