Wednesday, June 13, 2012

China 1

Like I mentioned before, China was too big of an adventure to have detailed in one blog posting. Therefore, I will be posting my trip details in multiple post, though I do not know how many yet. The smallest detail may take me several pages, where as one visit to a sight may be insignificant to me. So I'll start at the beginning. Not arriving in Beijing, rather the few days before the trip and the flight itself.

Here I go....

Before going to Beijing, China, I had to apply for the trip and find financial means to fund it. I asked my dad, and he willingly agreed. Now, when I applied for it, my GPA wasn't the best. I mean, I would be accepted pending the spring semester's grades, which meant I worked my butt off for the next eight months. Grades approved, plus knowing the professor who was going to teach on the trip, I went on to obtain all the medical paperwork and passport.

I am a hypochondriac. Ask anyone. I hear about a disease and start wondering if I have it or will I get it, or others I have been in contact with who might have it. Working in customer service, as a cashier, I sanitize my hands close to twenty times a day. Hearing about how "dirty" China was, I went on a buying spree of hand wipes, sanitizers, band-aids, Neosporne, napkins, individually wrapped toilet paper (moist and dry), bug spray, anti-bacterial body wash and repelling sunscreen. The whole shi-bang. I probably spent a couple hundred dollars on toiletries and shots to satisfy my nerves.

I also heard about how hot China was (an entirely different post) and went to REI to find clothes that would accommodate my needs. If you travel to somewhere hot and sticky, GO THERE! I found these AMAZING pants that zipped off into short that were both sweat repellent and UV protectant. Get wicking clothing and a good pair of shoes. Trust me. I would have suffered if I had not talked to somebody at REI.

Then came the packing. Again, paranoia took over and not only did I pack everything and then some, I had everything pack over a week in advance and continued to add items every time I thought I would need it. Word of advise: do not over pack; you may need to by another suitcase just to get everything you buy there home. Plus, you can find everything in China once you get there.

I barely slept the night before because this was the first time that I would have been away from my family for three weeks, halfway around the world. But I was still excited and couldn't wait to go.

I'm going to stop there. It's late, and I'm tired. Also, the plane ride and arrival should be in one post together.

Until next time...

Over and out.

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