Friday, July 6, 2012

Phone update

So. I got an update on my phone, and it seems as if it from gingerbread to icecream sandwich update for Android phones. I must say... this is kinda cool. I'm still trying to get use to the system. A lot of things were changed....

First off, and it's a big issue I have after having this phone for over eight months. The unlock button, which I would have to swipe to the right, I now have to swipe to the left. I know it seems like a little thing but I have trained myself to swipe to the left. A little annoying, but I'll have to get use to it. 

Another thing that I really don't like, is the word list auto fill. See, I cannot spell. At all. Word has ruined me so having the option to scroll through a list of words, rather than the three most common words in relation to the letters I am typing is great... was great. And it wont auto cap "i." I am a writer! I text in full sentences and often send emails from my phone. I am currently writing this on my phone, and have had to fix over twenty words because my phone isn't as smart as mg last update. This is a three-hundred freaking dollar phone! The original system is so far better than icecream sandwich system! I love goggle, I do, but sometimes the smartest people can be the dumbest.

System update fail.

...on the annoyance of the word choice issue. If you hold down the mic icon you. Can change the input setting. I feel really stupid now... but, this was an automatic thing when I first got my phone, and I don't like learning new things that I have already trained myself on. Especially things that are supposed to make my life easier. Than you Google. Sorry about the previous rant. Guess how many corrections I had to manually fix in that last paragraph? None. It even auto caps my "I"... the "very aggressive" setting on this is awesome.

System getting better.