Friday, December 24, 2010

The most wonderful time of the year!

Once again, it is Christmas time! Right on schedule, as always, and I think it is one of the most glorious times of the year. People are nicer, food tastes better, and I don't mind it being cold because that means it's hot cocoa time! Christmas is the perfect pick-me-up from the dreary winter. Not only because of the gifts, but because of the time families spend together.

 ...Okay, there's something about the gifts and I don't ever want to grow out of that. I am the first born and Daddy's little girl. I am not afraid to say that I am spoiled. Really spoiled. Not only did I ask for a Wii and a Kenict for XBox (if you don't know what it is, please Google it, it's awesome), but I got both; the boyfriend got me one, and my dad the other. He's also sending me to China next year for a class. How amazing of a dad is he?

In my spoiled defence, I work hard. Not only am I a full time student, I also work two jobs, and pay for everything myself. Unlike other kids my age, I pay my own phone bill, insurance, credit cards, car payment, schooling, and rent. The only day's I'm off of work, I go to school from 9am til 5pm. I rarely see my parents, and have no time for myself. That's why (I think), I'm so spoiled. Of course, it could be because I'm Daddy's little girl, but I don't think it's just that.

The other reason I love the Christmas season (holiday season to be politically correct) so much is the for the time I am able to spend with my family. Work slows down for me, I work less hours since I'm still working retail, and I no longer have school. For an entire month, I get to give my brain a rest. I can finally veg out on the couch, rotting my brain with Spongebob Squarepants, eating whatever I feel like.

My Dad loves Christmas as well. He's always been a giver, and he favorite part about Christmas is seeing our faces light up when we open our gifts. For my 21st birthday, he took me to Vegas. Not because I asked, I didn't want him to spend all the money, but because he wanted to see the look on my face when I could finally drink. He took me out to Fremont street, and instead of watching the light show, he was watching my drunken reaction to it, as I recorded the entire thing.

Christmas is the only time of year when I see my Dad and I'm not sleep deprived, upset, or depressed because of how busy my life is. For a few days my Dad gets he family back. All the laughter, Yahtzee up the ying-yang, and the look of child-like innocence on his children's faces because they can finally be themselves.

Merry Christmas!